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Frenectomy - Westminster, CO

A Frenectomy Offers Freedom

Frenectomies - Tongue-Tie Release

Does your baby have a hard time breastfeeding because she can’t latch on correctly? Do you notice that your baby’s tongue seems restricted in movement? Your baby may have been born with tongue-tie, a physical condition that can be easily remedied by a simple procedure in our office.

Lingual Frenectomies

When the frenulum is too thick, tight, or short, movement is restricted, and a frenectomy may be necessary. The lingual frenulum is the membrane that connects the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. A frenectomy is a routine procedure used to correct this congenital condition known as tongue-tie.

The benefits of professional teeth cleaning include:

  • Plaque removal. Tartar (also referred to as calculus) and plaque buildup, both above and below the gum line, can result in serious periodontal problems. Unfortunately, even with a proper home brushing and flossing routine, it can be impossible to remove all debris, bacteria and deposits from gum pockets. The experienced eye of a dentist or hygienist using specialized dental equipment is necessary to catch potentially damaging buildup.
  • A healthier looking smile. Stained and yellowed teeth can dramatically decrease the esthetics of a smile. Prophylaxis is an effective treatment in ridding the teeth of these unsightly stains.
  • Fresher breath. Bad breath (or halitosis) is generally indicative of advancing periodontal disease. A combination of rotting food particles (possibly below the gum line) and potential gangrene stemming from gum infection, results in bad breath. The routine removal of plaque, calculus and bacteria at our facility can noticeably improve halitosis and reduce infection.

Professional dental cleaning can be performed at our office. We recommend that prophylaxis be performed twice annually as a preventative measure, but should be completed every 3-4 months for periodontitis sufferers. It should be noted that gum disease cannot be completely reversed, but dental prophylaxis is one of the tools Dr. Stamm and Dr. Hernandez can use to effectively halt its progression.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tongue-Tie

Since tongue-tie refers to restricted tongue movement, evaluating your baby’s eating habits is a good place to start. How well your baby is able to latch on when breastfeeding can give you an indication of the range of movement of their tongue.

The following are signs that may reveal your baby has tongue-tie, but not one of them alone is conclusive. An evaluation by one of our doctors would be the best way to determine whether or not your baby could benefit from a frenectomy.

Possible signs of tongue-tie:

  • Pain during breastfeeding
  • Damaged nipples
  • Baby’s inability to maintain suction during breastfeeding
  • Clicking noises during feeding that aren’t just the result of a noisy eater
  • Baby’s low weight gain over time
  • Recurring Mastitis


Some questions to consider:

  • Does your baby have difficulty moving her tongue from one side to the other?
  • Can your baby touch the upper gums or roof of the mouth with her tongue?
  • Can your baby stick their tongue out past her gums?
  • Does your baby’s tongue have a V or heart shape at the tip when she sticks it out?

Our frenectomy procedure is a laser treatment and takes only 15 minutes. The advantages of doing a frenectomy with a laser rather than the traditional approach with a scalpel include:

  • less bleeding.
  • reduced need for stitches.
  • minimal post-operative discomfort.
  • faster recovery.

Tongue-tie is a condition present at birth.

Not at all. Your child will be adequately sedated with a general anesthetic during the procedure, so he or she will not feel a thing.

No. The only way to correct tongue-tie is by surgery.

No. As noted, babies with tongue-tie cannot stick their tongues out.

Drs. Stamm, Stamm-Christian, and Hernandez look forward to working with you and your child if he or she wrestles with negative effects of tongue-tie. The frenectomy procedure is simple, and together with a team of medical specialists, our doctors treat this condition comprehensively, safely, and comfortably.

One Simple Procedure Can Make a Life-Changing Difference

Find out if your child needs a frenectomy.